July 6, 2014

Celebrating (and Loving) Independence Day

Independence Weekend has been a time of reflection for this American mother. During the summer I spend quite a bit of time signing petitions, supporting (or boycotting), donating, sharing and tweeting issues that concern me as a mom of young boys.   This article explains that teachers don't have the right to free speech, but thank goodness mothers do.  In addition to education and childcare issues, I've also become a supporter of  Moms Demand Action and Parents Against Gun Violence because I believe that until there is more gun sense, all of our children are at risk.

At times I worry for my children's future.   When I read of the latest state laws and federal decisions, I wonder where we, as Americans, are headed.  I try to take comfort in Margaret Mead's words:
"Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." 
and I'm spurred on by Edmund Burke:
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
I continue to find inspiration and have the utmost admiration for the people who work tirelessly for justice (while I am tiredly folding a third load of laundry).  Just today I listened to this on NPR.  The entire episode was dedicated to the very American history of loyal dissent. Toward the end of the program Dolores Huerta spoke of criticism as being an act of love.

As a parent, I do my best to teach by example and be a responsible citizen.  I hope my children learn to love this country as much as I do.



  1. Looks like a great weekend! I really wish your country had tighter gun control laws. Ontario has had more gun violence in recent years too. It's so scary.

  2. Looks like you are having a wonderful summer; I wish your government would take a stronger stand on guns. Its just plain scary to think of the world we are raising our children in at times. I know horrible things happen all around the world, but sadly its becoming common place in the states and that is just so sad...
